A Fateful Beginning
In 1984, former Music Director Choo Hoey yearned to broaden the repertoire of the SSO but lacked a key instrument to do so: A grand pipe organ.
Resonating with the Maestro's aspiration for the orchestra, eight women banded together and raised over $200,000 for the Klais organ, which remains a centrepiece at the Victoria Concert Hall, Home of the SSO. This fundraising undertaking, herculean as it was, left a lasting mark in history by initiating the formation of the SSO Ladies’ League.
A League of Their Own
The SSO Ladies’ League has played a sometimes-invisible yet always-significant role in supporting the SSO. For over 30 years, these savvy, tenacious volunteers devoted their time and effort to spearhead a plethora of fundraising projects, from annual golf tournaments between 1987 – 2011 to a tennis tournament and a walkathon, held in 1987 and 1985 respectively.
Capable and committed as they were, the League members were also celebrated for their creative flair in garnering donations for the company. Testament to this is the SSO’s annual fundraising gala dinner which was inaugurated in 1984. Thanks to the leadership of Chair Lady Mrs Odile Benjamin, who has served between 2006 to 2023, the colourful event, which is a highlight of the Singapore social calendar, has raised more than $10 million over the last decade. In addition, the League organised fashion shows (modelled by the members) and published two cookbooks titled A Kitchen Symphony in 1988, and A Symphony of Taste in 2009.
Through the years, the League’s different initiatives have strengthened the SSO in many ways. Funds raised have enabled the purchase of instruments and equipment, the refurbishment of the Victoria Concert Hall in 1990 and orchestra tours beyond Singapore.
(Photo: The SSO Ladies’ League featured in The Straits Times, 11 February 1989, nlb.gov.sg)

I am profoundly grateful to these incredible women who made the League’s journey so meaningful. Together, we have woven a melody of support that has allowed our national orchestra to evolve and thrive. As this chapter ends, I hope the music we have championed will continue to resonate across future generations.

Nurturing the Young
Music education has also a special place in the hearts of the SSO Ladies’ League members. In 1991, they implemented music education programme Experiences in Music to stoke the love for classical music among young audiences. The programme brought about the first open house at the Victoria Concert Hall in 1997, which saw 400 students from 29 secondary schools experience the magic of classical music.
Today, the League’s passion project has developed into one of the core community offerings of the Singapore Symphony Group, with a dedicated team of staff working with the orchestra's musicians on school outreach programmes and SSO concerts designed for children.
A Heartfelt Reunion
On 25 November 2023, past and current members of the SSO Ladies’ League reunited for a celebratory soiree, honouring their philanthropic efforts with the orchestra since the 1980s.
In between delectable bites and tea, the League reminisced the days of yore with a nostalgic slideshow of cherished memories and past projects of the League. Mr Goh Yew Lin, Chair of the Singapore Symphony Group, and former Chair Lady Mrs Odile Benjamin also shared heartfelt words with the ladies present. To fittingly conclude the reunion, the SSO String Quartet presented a stirring performance as appreciation of the League’s contribution to the national orchestra. Our gratitude also goes to former League member and current SSO Council member Ms Priscylla Shaw for donating a thank you gift to all members present.

We remember how important the Ladies' League has been to the Singapore Symphony’s history and evolution. You showed us what was possible, and the Symphony Ball Committee will build upon the strong foundations that have been laid over the past four decades. Thank you, one and all, for everything you have done in support of the Singapore Symphony Group!

The Legacy Lives On
Moving forward, the Ladies’ League will transition from being a stand-alone entity to members being part of the company’s various volunteer-working committees, such as the new Symphony Ball Committee, led by League member, Paige Parker. This committee will build upon the strong foundation laid by the League by focusing on donor outreach and fundraising for the annual dinner.
We thank the SSO Ladies’ League for playing a critical role in our successes and storied history.