Longing (Online)
Fri / 26 Nov 21 / 8.00pm
Longing to sing and make music together, to perform as one. How can we, as singers, keep our voices silent? Choral music-making has been all but muted, but our will to sing has not been lost. In this special presentation, the Singapore Symphony Chorus, Youth and Children’s Choirs perform together in a one-of-its-kind production enabled by technology.
The choristers positioned in three separate venues performed simultaneously with each other, using real-time headphone and video monitoring. The microphone signals of each performer were balanced live inside Rose Studio, the integrated state of the art recording control room at the Victoria Concert Hall, and played back in real-time to the headphones of all performers. The performance of a choir remotely from three different venues would have been unthinkable two years ago.
In partnership with MSM productions, Longing pushes the boundaries of remote collaborations in music making, and presents the Singapore Symphony Chorus, Youth and Children’s Choirs in its first ever joint digital choral production.
Singapore Symphony Choruses / Eudenice Palaruan, conductor / Wong Lai Foon, conductor / Shane Thio, piano / Evelyn Handrisanto, piano / Gabriel Hoe, piano / Musicians of the SSOProgramme
Eudenice Palaruan | Peribahasa |
Daniel Elder | Ballade to the Moon |
Gounod arr. BLEZZARD | Ave Maria (adapted to First Prelude of J.S.Bach) |
Barber | Sure on this shining night |
Brahms | Sehnsucht from Sechs Quartette Op. 112 |
Ramírez | Gloria |
Lowry arr. PATTERSON | How Can I Keep from Singing? |
Brahms | Op. 44 No. 7 Rosenzeit (“Now the Roses are Blooming”) |
Durante | Magnificat in B-flat major |
Drennan | We are the Music-Makers |
Duration: approximately 1 hr
12M All-Access Pass: $30
Single Access Pass: $6
Please refer to https://lounge.sso.org.sg/ for more information.