August 2019 - SSO in Your Community

SSO in Your Community
Since its founding in 1979, the Singapore Symphony Orchestra (SSO) has been Singapores flagship orchestra, often associated with our performances in concert halls. Our aim to touch lives through classical music, also means we make every effort, every season to take music beyond the hall.
By Cheryl Pek & Leon Chia
Marking Singapore's 53rd National Day
SSO continues its 40th anniversary celebrations with familiar classics and a travelling ensemble. Kam Ning is heading back to Singapore again, for a different type of concert.
By Leong Wenshan & Leon Chia
A Silver Jubilee
Close to 6,000 patrons from over 30 countries attended the Silver Jubilee of the Singapore International Piano Festival this June. Lionel Chois swan song as festival director saw an exuberant mix of frenzied fans and inspiring masterclasses, including what one reviewer called an encounter with greatness a concert by the legendary Martha Argerich.
By Leon Chia
Introducing the Young Symphony Explorers
If you are reading this newsletter, chances are youre a diehard music lover who have had at least one unforgettable concert experience. So you understand that going to a concert for the first time can be an extraordinary experience for a young person.
By Leong Wenshan